Click on the initial letter of the function or procedure you require:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

COMPARE2 A , B refers to modules A and B of the WINPEPI program COMPARE2.

This list is current as of Aug, 23, 2016 (Winpepi version 11.65).

ABC (area between curves), COMPARE2 F2, G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1 
AC1 coefficient, Gwet's, 
AC2 coefficient, Gwet's, 
ACE (average causal effect), LOGISTIC 
Accuracy coefficient, Lin's, PAIRSETC D1 D2 
Additive effects, ETCETERA E, H 
Adjusted coefficient of individual equivalence (CIEA), PAIRSetc I2 
Adjusted rank correlation test for skewed funnel plot, COMPARE2 A, B, C, D, J 
Agreement between rankings, 
Agreement coefficient A, PAIRSetc G3 
Agreement, chance-corrected measures, DESCRIBE L1, PAIRSetc A 
 Analysis of covariance, ETCETERA N 
Analysis of covariance, for comparing changes in two groups, PAIRSetc D1, D2 
Analysis of simple effects, ETCETERA N 
Analysis of variance, COMPARE2 E, ETCETERA J M, PAIRSetc D1, H, I1, I2, L2 
Analysis of variance based on means and SDs, ETCETERA N 
Annual rate of increase or decrease, DESCRIBE B 
ANOVA (analysis of variance), COMPARE2 E, ETCETERA J, M, PAIRSetc D1, H, I1, I2, L2 
Area between curves (ABC), COMPARE2 F2, G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1 
Area under ROC curve (C-statistic), DESCRIBE L1, L3, L4, L5 
ATE (average treatment effect), LOGISTIC 
Attributable fraction, COMPARE2 B, C, D, G, PAIRSetc A 
Average causal effect (ACE) LOGISTIC 
Average treatnent effect (ATE LOGISTIC 

BAK (bias-adjusted kappa), PAIRSetc A, B

Balanced randomization ETCETERA A3, A4, A5

Bartholomew's test for trend, DESCRIBE B

Bartlett test for comparing two variances, COMPARE2 H2

Basic reproductive ratio, DESCRIBE M2

Bayes factor, based on P value, WHATIS P-value*

Bayes factor, in study of an association, ETCETERA L

Bayesian false-discovery probability , ETCETERA M

Bayesian measures of noteworthiness , ETCETERA L M

Bayesian posterior probability of null hypothesis, WHATIS P-value*

Before-after study (independent observations), COMPARE2 A, B, H1, H2, H3

Before-after study (paired observations), PAIRSetc A, B, C, D1, D2, D3

Before-after study (using changes in ratings), COMPARE2 F2, PAIRSetc D1, D2

Before-after study (using changes in ratings), sample size, COMPARE2 S11

Benjamini -Hochberg adjustment for multiple tests, ETCETERA C

Benjamini -Liu adjustment for multiple tests, ETCETERA C

Between-subjects factorial ANOVA, ETCETERA N

BFDP (Bayesian false-discovery probability). ETCETERA M

Bias-adjusted kappa, PAIRSetc A, B, C

Bias correction factor, Lin's , PAIRSETC D1 D2

Binocular data. kappa for, PAIRSetc B

Binomial distribution, goodness of fit with, DESCRIBE C

Binomial goodness-of-fit test (comparison with expected proportion) DESCRIBE A

Binomial success rate, DESCRIBE C

Birth-cohort effect (using median or mean polish), ETCETERA H

Blocked randomization ETCETERA A5

BMI (body mass index, WHATIS calculator*

Body mass index, WHATIS calculator*

Bonferroni -like ( Finner , Haber, Hommel , FDR ) corrections , ETCETERA C

Bowker’s symmetry test , PAIRSetc B, C

Bowley skewness coefficient, DESCRIBE D

Box-and-whisker diagrams, DESCRIBE D

Bradley-Blackwood test, PAIRSetc D1, D2

Brennan- Gedinger G-index, PAIRS A, B

Brier skill score (accuracy of prediction of screening/diagnostic test), DESCRIBE L1 L2

Brier skill score (accuracy of prediction by logistic oefficients ) , LOGISTIC

Brown-Forsythe test for heterogeneity of variances, COMPARE2 H2 , ETCETERA O

Brown-Li pseudo-Bayesian C.I.s for difference between proportions, COMPARE2 A, B

Brunner- Munzel test, COMPARE2, H1

C -index , LOGISTIC

Calculator, WHATIS calculator

Capture-recapture method, DESCRIBE I

Case-base study, COMPARE2 C

Case-cohort study, COMPARE2 C

Case-control study, unmatched, COMPARE2 C, G, LOGISTIC

Case-control study, matched, PAIRSetc A, C, D, E, H, J, L, LOGISTIC

Centrifugality , DESCRIBE D

Chance-corrected measures of agreement, DESCRIBE L1 , PAIRSetc A

Chance-corrected sensitivity and specificity , DESCRIBE L1, L2

Change-point test, DESCRIBE D

Changes, based on before-after ratings, COMPARE2 F2, PAIRSetc D1, D2

Chi-square goodness-of-fit test, 2 x k table, DESCRIBE C

Chi-square test, 2 x 2 table , COMPARE2 A, B, C

Chi-square test, 2 x k table, COMPARE2 F1

Chi-square test, r x c table , ETCETERA G

Chi-square tests for multiple comparisons in 2 x k table, COMPARE2 F1

Chi-square, partitioning of, in 2 x k table, COMPARE2 F1

Chi-square, partitioning of, in r x c table, ETCETERA G

Chi-square, value corresponding to given P, or vice versa, WHATIS P-value

CIEA (adjusted coefficient of individual equivalence), PAIRSetc I2

Clinically important effect, test for , COMPARE2 A

Clinical trial, matched controls, PAIRSetc A, C, D, E, H, J, L , LOGISTIC

Clinical trial, unmatched controls, COMPARE2 B, D, F, H , LOGISTIC , POISSON

Cluster-randomized trial, sample sizes , COMPARE2 S1,S6

Cluster sample, design effect, DESCRIBE J , COMPARE2 E

Cluster sample, estimation of prevalence from, DESCRIBE J1, J2

Cluster sample in prevalence study, DESCRIBE J1 , J2

Cluster sample, required size, DESCRIBE K

Cluster samples, sample sizes for comparison, COMPARE2 S1 ,S6

Cluster samples, comparison of binary data in, COMPARE2 E, PAIRSetc A

Clustering in space or time, DESCRIBE C, D2, H

Clusters of paired numerical observations , PAIRSetc D1, D3

Cochran Q test, PAIRSetc F

Cochran- Armitage chi-square test for trend, COMPARE2 F2 G, DESCRIBE B

Cochrane- Orcutt procedure, DESCRIBE B

Coefficient of alienation , ETCETERA F1

Coefficient of concordance , PAIRSetc G3

Coefficient of determination (R 2 ) , ETCETERA F1 , PAIRSetc D1

Coeffiicient of individual equivalence (CIE), PAIRSetc I2

Coefficient of nondetermination , ETCETERA F1

Coefficient of discrimination ( Tjur’s ) , LOGISTIC

Coefficient of variation and its C.I.s, DESCRIBE D2 , D3, D4

Coefficients of individual agreement (CIAs), PAIRSetc I2

Coefficients of variation, difference between (C.I.s), COMPARE2 H2.


Cohen's effect-size index w, COMPARE2 A , B, C, F1, ETCETERA G

Cohen's f, ETCETERA, N

Cohen' f-squared, ETCETERA L

Cohen's g , PAIRSETC I1

Cohort effect (using median or mean polish), ETCETERA H

Cohort study, unmatched, COMPARE2 B, D, F, H, LOGISTIC

Cohort study, matched, PAIRSetc A, C, D, E, H, J, L, LOGISTIC

Combinations and permutations, WHATIS* calculator

Compatibility of counts, DESCRIBE D2, D3

Comparison of three or more samples, PAIRSETC I1, ETCETERA N

Concordance , PAIRSetc G3

Concordance coefficient, Kendall, PAIRSetc I1

Concordance correlation coefficient, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3

Concordance index (c-index) , LOGISTIC

Conditional error probability , ETCETERA M

Confidence intervals, WHATIS C.I.; also look up name of measure

Confidence interval for difference between means , derived from P, COMPARE2 H2

Confidence interval from P value , ETCETERA Q

Confidence level for values above/below a given point, WHATIS C.I.

Confounder, unmeasured, controlling for , ETCETERA K

Conover squared-rank test for difference between variances, COMPARE2 H1

Contingency coefficient, COMPARE2 F1

Correlation coefficient between values and ranks in sequence, DESCRIBE D

Correlation coefficient, computation, PAIRSetc D1, COMPARE2 F2

Correlation coefficient, test and confidence intervals for, ETCETERA F1

Correlation coefficient, point- biserial , PAIRSETC A

Correlation coefficient, "true", PAIRSETC D1

Correlation coefficient, power and sample size for test, ETCETERA F5

Correlation coefficient , based on Mantel- Haenszel procedure, MANTELX

Correlation coefficient, derived from paired t-test result, ETCETERA F6

Correlation coefficient, intraclass, COMPARE2 E , PAIRSetc D1, D2, I1, I2, M

Correlation coefficient, intraclass, in a cluster sample, DESCRIBE J1, J2

Correlation coefficient, population , PAIRSetc D1

Correlation coefficient, intraclass, in reliability study , PAIRSetc I2

Correlation coefficient, intraclass, sample size, PAIRSetc S6

Correlation coefficient, partial and multiple, ETCETERA F4 , J

Correlation coefficient, point- biserial , COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSETC A

Correlation coefficient, tetrachoric , PAIRSetc A

Correlation coefficient, tetrachoric , between items in scale, ETCETERA D

Correlation coefficient. “ true ”, PAIRSETC D1

Correlation coefficients, comparison, ETCETERA F2 , F3

Correlation coefficients, differences between, C.I ,s for, ETCETERA F2, F3

Correlation coefficients, pooling, ETCETERA F2

Counts, compatibility of, DESCRIBE D2, D3

Counts, heterogeneity of, DESCRIBE D

Covariance, analysis of, for comparing changes in two groups, PAIRSetc D1, D2

Cox-Stuart test for trend, DESCRIBE D

CPI (Critical prior intervaI ) procedure for Bayesian appraisal of association, ETCETERA L

Cramer-von Mises test, COMPARE2 F2, G, H1

Credibility index, ETCETERA L

Cressie -Read goodness-of-fit test, DESCRIBE C

Critical prior interval procedure for Bayesian appraisal of association , ETCETERA L

Critical success index , PAIRSetc A

Cronbach's alpha (reliability-consistency) coefficient, ETCETERA D

Crossover trial, "yes-no" outcome variable, PAIRSetc A

Crossover trial, numerical outcome variable , ETCETERA O

Crossover trial, Schoutten-Kester procedure, PAIRSetc A

C-statistic (area under ROC curve), DESCRIBE L1, L3, L4, L5

C umulative frequency distribution, confidence interval for, FIT

Cumulative odds ratio, COMPARE2 F2, G

Cumulative rate, computed from age-specific rates, DESCRIBE G

Cumulative survival proportions, DESCRIBE F, COMPARE2 H3

Cumulative survival proportions, directly standardized, COMPARE2 H3

Cusum procedure , DESCRIBE D1

Cut-points for a set of ordinal categories, COMPARE2 F2 G

Cut-points for screening and diagnostic tests , ,DESCRIBE L4, L5

D'Agostini -Pearson test for normality, DESCRIBE D , COMPARE2 H2


Departure from linear trend, DESCRIBE B , COMPARE2 F2, G

Dersimonian -Laird estimates, COMPARE2 A, B, C, H2

Design effect, calculated from intraclass correlation coefficient, DESCRIBE J5

Design effect, after raking, ETCETERA G2

Design factor, after raking, ETCETERA G2

Design effect, of cluster sample, DESCRIBE J1, J2 COMPARE2 E

Determination, coefficient of , PAIRSetc D1

Diagnostic odds ratio , DESCRIBE L1, L2, L3, L4, L5

Diagnostic tests, accuracy of, DESCRIBE L1, L4, L5, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3

Diagnostic tests, appraisal of, DESCRIBE L1, L4

Diagnostic tests, combination of, DESCRIBE L2

Diagnostic tests, comparison of, DESCRIBE L2, L5

Diagnostic tests, meta-analysis, DESCRIBE L3

Difference between means, confidence interval derived from P , COMPARE2 H2

Difference between paired values, PAIRSetc D1, D3

Difference between proportions or risks, COMPARE2 A, B, PAIRSetc A

Difference in one tail, COMPARE2 F2

Direct standardization, DESCRIBE G

Disagreement, information-based measure of , , PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3, I1

Disagreement between matched numerical observations, PAIRSetc D1 , D2, D3, I1

Discriminatory power of a scale , ETCETERA D

Discriminatory power of logistic model , LOGISTIC

Dissimilarity index, COMPARE2 F2 , G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1

Distinguishability of categories, PAIRSetc A, B, C

Donald-Donner procedure for comparing cluster samples, COMPARE2 E

Doolittle skill score , PAIRSetc A

Dose-response, see TREND

Dunnett's multiiple -test procedure, ETCETERA F2

Dunnett's test for comparisons with a control, ETCETERA N

Durbin-Watson test, DESCRIBE B , ETCETERA J

ED50 (median effective dose), DESCRIBE B


Edwards test for seasonal variation, DESCRIBE E

Effective sample size (N^), ETCETERA G2

Effect-size index, Cohen's w , COMPARE2 A, B, C, F1, ETCETERA G

Effect sizes (standardized differences between means), COMPARE2 H2, J

Elasticity, ETCETERA J


Epidemic curve, plotting of, using data, DESCRIBE M1

Epidemic curve, plotting of, using models, DESCRIBE M2

Epidemic models (Reed-Frost, SIR, SEIR), DESCRIBE M2

Equitable threat score , PAIRSetc A

Equivalence (overlap between frequencies), COMPARE2 F2 , G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1

Equivalence test for areas under ROC curve DESCRIBE L5

Equivalence test for twomeans , COMPARE2 H2 , PAIRSetc I1

Equivalence test for means, sample sizes for, COMPARE2 S7, PAIRSetc S7

Equivalence test for two proportions, COMPARE2 A, PAIRSetc A

Equivalence test for proportions, sample sizes for, COMPARE2 S2, PAIRSetc S3


Exact tests, 2 x 2 table, power of, COMPARE2 P1, E

Exact tests, COMPARE2 A, B, C, D, F1, PAIRSetc A

Exponential regression, ETCETERA J

Exponentially weighted moving averages, SMOOTH

Expression solver (calculator), WHATIS calculator

F (variance ratio) test, COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc I

F, value corresponding to given P, or vice versa, WHATIS P-value

Factorial ANOVA for a mixed design , ETCETERA N

Factorial-design study , ETCETERA N

Factorials, WHATIS calculator

Fail-safe N, COMPARE2 A , B, C, D, E, H3, J

False detection rate (FDR)) procedure for multiple comparisons ETCETERA C

False negative rate, DESCRIBE L1

False positive rate, DESCRIBE L1, L2, L3, L4

FDR (false detection rate) procedure for multiple comparisons, ETCETERA C

Finite population correction, DESCRIBE A, D, K

Finner's adjustment for multiple tests, ETCETERA C

Fisher exact tests, see Exact tests

Fisher's LSD test , ETCETERA N

Fleiss- Everitt test for three ordered categories, PAIRSetc C

Fligner-Policello robust rank test, COMPARE2 H1

Forecasting efficiency, index of , ETCETERA F1

Forest plot, COMPARE2 J

Freedman tests for seasonal variation, DESCRIBE E

Frequency distribution, description of, DESCRIBE D, COMPARE2 H2

Friedman's two-way analysis of variance by ranks, PAIRSetc I

Funnel plot, skewed, COMPARE2 A, B, C, D, J

G-computation, ETCETERA J

G- index (Brennan- Gediger coefficient), PAIRSetc A, B

G 2 test of association, COMPARE2 A, ETCETERA G

Gain in certainty after diagnostic test, DESCRIBE L1+++

Gamma (Goodman and Kruskal ), paired data, PAIRSetc C, D3

Gamma , (Goodman and Kruskal ), unpaired data, COMPARE2 F2, G, H1 , ETCETERA G

Gamma index (re-scaled c-index) , LOGISTIC

General/Generalized odds ratio, COMPARE2 F2, G , PAIRSetc C, ETCETERA G

General risk difference, ETCETERA G

Geometric mean, DESCRIBE D1, D2, D3

Geometric means, ratio of, COMPARE2 H2

Geometric mean titre , DESCRIBE D2, D3

Gilbert's skill score , PAIRSetc A

Glass's delta , COMPARE2 H2

Gold standard, comparison with, DESCRIBE L1, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3

Goodman and Kruskal's gamma, COMPARE2 F2, G, H1, PAIRSetc C, D3

Goodman and Kruskal's tau, r x c table, ETCETERA G

Goodman and Kruskal's tau, 2 x k table, COMPARE2 F1

Goodness of fit with expected distribution, DESCRIBE C

Grubbs test for outliers, DESCRIBE D

Guttman scale, conformity with , ETCETERA D

Gwet's AC1 coefficient, PAIRSetc A, B

Gwet's AC2 coefficient, PAIRSetc C

Haber continuity correction, COMPARE2 A, B, C

Haldane's large-table chi-square test, 2 x k table, COMPARE2 F1

Haldane's large-table chi-square test, j x k table ETCETERA G

Hansen- Kuipers skill score, PAIRSetc A

Harmonic-analysis procedure for appraisal of seasonal variation, DESCRIBE E

Harmonic mean, DESCRIBE D1

Hartley's Fmax test , ETCETERA N

Hazard ratio, COMPARE2 H3

Hazard ratios, comparison of COMPARE2 J

Hedges's g , LOGISTIC

Hedges's adjusted g , COMPARE2 H2

Heidke skill score , PAIRSetc A

Herd immunity threshold, DESCRIBE M2

Heterogeneity of correlation coefficients, CORR

Heterogeneity of counts, DESCRIBE D

Heterogeneity of season-specific slopes, DESCRIBE D

Heterogeneity of variances, tests , ETCETERA N

Heterogeneity tests, COMPARE2 A, B, C, F2, G, H1, H2, J PAIRSetc A, C, D1 to D3, E, F, I1, J

Heterogeneity, measures of, COMPARE2 A, B, C, F2, G, H1, H2, J PAIRSetc A, C

Hewitt's test for seasonal variation, DESCRIBE E

Hinges of a distribution , DESCRIBE D2 D3, D4

Hingespread , DESCRIBE D2, D3, D4

Hodges-Lehmann procedure, PAIRSetc H, L2

Hollander's test for bivariate symmetry, PAIRSetc D3

Holm's adjustment for multiple tests, ETCETERA C

Hommel's adjustment for multiple tests, ETCETERA C

Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test, LOGISTIC

Huber m-estimator, DESCRIBE D

I coefficient, Peirce’s, PAIRSetc A , B

IBMD (information-based measure of disagreement), PAIRSetc D1 , D3, I1

Imputation of missing values in 2 x 2 table, COMPARE2 A

Incidence rate, computed from survival data, DESCRIBE F, COMPARE2 H3

Incomplete paired data , PAIRSetc A

Index of forecasting efficiency , ETCETERA F1

Index of qualitative variation, DESCRIBE C

Indirect standardization, DESCRIBE H

Information-based measure of disagreement, PAIRSetc D1 , D2, D3, I1

Interaction terms, in logistic regression , LOGISTIC

Interaction terms, in multiple linear regression, ETCETERA J

Interaction between binary variables, tests for, ETCETERA E

Interobserver and intraobserver reliability , PAIRSetc A2, D1, D2, D3, I1, I2, M

Interrupted time series regression, ETCETERA J

Intraclass correlation coefficient, sample size, ETCETERA F7, PAIRSetc S6

Intraclass correlation coefficients in cluster samples, DESCRIBE J1. J2

Intraclass correlation coefficients, COMPARE2 E, PAIRSetc D1, D2, I1, I2, M

Intraclass correlation coefficients, in reliability study , PAIRSetc I2

Intraclass correlation coefficient, sample size, PAIRSetc S6

Intraclass kappa, PAIRSetc A

Intraclass odds ratio, PAIRSETC A

Inverse sampling in comparative studies, COMPARE2 A, B, C, PAIRSetc A

Inverse sampling in a descriptive study, DESCRIBE A

Inverse sampling, sample size to find a given number of cases, DESCRIBE K

Jewell's low-bias estimate of ratio of proportions or risks, COMPARE2 A, B

Jonckheere-Terpstra test for trend, ETCETERA N

Kaplan-Meier life table procedure, DESCRIBE F, COMPARE2 H3

Kaplan-Meier survival curves, in comparison of survival data, COMPARE2 H3

Kappa, PAIRSetc A, B, C, E, F, G, J, K

Kappa for binocular data, PAIRS B

Kappa, in appraisal of screening or diagnostic text, DESCRIBE L1

Kappa, intraclass , PAIRSet , A

Kappa, sample size, PAIRSetc S2

Kappa, weighted, PAIRSetc C

Kappa, weighted, for 2 ratings of a "Yes-No" variable, DESCRIBE L1

Kappa, weighted, for multiple raters, PAIRSetc G2

Kendall concordance coefficient, PAIRSetc I1

Kendall correlation coefficient (tau), ETCETERA G , PAIRSetc C, D3

Kendall correlation coefficient, partial , ETCETERA F4.

Kendall tau between ranks and values of numbers, DESCRIBE D

Kendall tau in comparison of 2 samples, COMPARE2 F2, G, H1, PAIRSetc C, D3

Kendall tau, partial and multiple , ETCETERA F4

Kendall's coefficient of concordance , PAIRSetc G3

Kernel smoothing , DESCRIBE B

Kernel smoothing, with log transformation, SMOOTH

Killeen's probabiliity of replicability (P-rep) , COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc D1

Knox test for space-time clustering, DESCRIBE H

Kolmogorov -Smirnov test for a normal or lognormal distribution, FIT

Kolmogorov -Smirnov test for an even distribution, DESCRIBE D

Kolmogorov -Smirnov test for discrete data, DESCRIBE C

Kolmogorov -Smirnov two-sample test, COMPARE2 F2, G, H1

Kosinski's test for comparing predictive values of two tests, DESCRUBE l2

KR-20 ( Kuder -Richardson formula 20), ETCETERA D

Kruskal -Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks, ETCETERA G, N

Kruskal -Wallis tests for pairwise comparisons, ETCETERA N

Kuder -Richardson formula 20, ETCETERA D

Kuipers performance index , PAIRSetc A

Kullback-Leibler distances, DESCRIBE L1, L4, L5

Kurtosis, DESCRIBE D

Lambda , COMPARE2 A ,B,C

Lambda , Goodman and Kruskal's , PAIRSetc A


Level-importance in multiple regression , ETCETERA J

Levene tests for equality of variances, COMPARE2 H, ETCETERA 0

Life-years lost, DESCRIBE F

Likelihood ratios for positive and negative tests, DESCRIBE L1 to L5

Likelihood ratios, multilevel , DESCRIBE L4, L5

LIkelihood ratios, stratum-specific , DESCRIBE L4, L5

Lilliefors test for normality, DESCRIBE D, COMPARE2 H2

Limits of agreement, 95% , PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3 ,L2

Linear regression, on rank in series, DESCRIBE D

Linear regression, multiple, ETCETERA J

L inear regression, nonparametric, ETCETERA J

Linear regression, simple, ETCETERA J

Lin's accuracy coefficient, PAIRSETC D1 D2

Lin's bias correction factor , PAIRSETC D1 D2

Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3

Log transformation, DESCRIBE D, COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc D2, D3

Logistic regression analysis, conditional or unconditional, LOGISTIC

Logiistic transformations. test based on, COMPARE2 A, B, C

Logit -rank test for effect of covariate on survival, SURVIVAL

Loglinear analysis of three-way table, ETCETERA I

Lognormal mean, confidence intervals for, DESCRIBE D

Logrank test for comparison of survival, COMPARE2 H3

Log-likelihood chi-square test of association, COMPARE2 A , ETCETERA G

Low-cost optimal allocation, in stratified sample, DESCRIBE K

Mack-Wolfe umbrella test , ETCETERA N

Mann-Kendall test for trend, DESCRIBE D

Mann-Whitney test COMPARE2 H1

Mann-Whitney test for paired data, PAIRSetc C

Mann-Whitney test, power, COMPARE2 P3, PAIRSetc P2

Mann-Whitney test, sample sizes, COMPARE2 S5, PAIRSetc S4

Mantel trend test, DESCRIBE B

Mantel- Haenszel test, COMPARE2 A, B, C, PAIRSetc E, J

Mantel- Haenszel test, extended, 2 x k table, COMPARE2 F2, G, H1

Mantel- Haenszel test, extended, r x c table or numerical data, MANTELX

Mantel- Haenszel test, power, COMPARE2 P2

Mantel- Haenszel test, sample sizes, COMPARE2 S3

McNemar test, PAIRSetc A, C

McNemar test, extended, PAIRSetc B

McNemar test, power, PAIRSetc P1

McNemar test, sample sizes, PAIRSetc S1

McNemar test of overall bias or directional change, PAIRSETC D3

Marginal heterogeneity, Stuart-Maxwell test for, PAIRSetc B, C

Mean deviation from mean, DESCRIBE D

Mean rank, COMPARE2 H1

Mean square successive difference test, DESCRIBE D

Mean, comparison with a hypothetical value, DESCRIBE D

Mean, confidence interval for, DESCRIBE D2, WHATIS C.I.

Mean, robust estimators of, DESCRIBE D

Mean, lognormal, confidence intervals for, DESCRIBE D

Mean, trimmed, DESCRIBE D

Mean polish of two-way table, ETCETERA H

Means, difference between, COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc H, L

Means, difference between, required sample sizes, COMPARE2 S6*

Means, ratio of , COMPARE2 H2

Means, standardized mean difference between , COMPARE2 H2

Means, trimmed, comparison of, COMPARE2 H2

Means, weighted mean difference between , COMPARE2 H2

Measures of impact of exposure, COMPARE2 B, C, G, PAIRSetc A

Median absolute deviation from median, DESCRIBE D

Median effective dose (ED50) , DESCRIBE B

Median lethal dose (LD50) , DESCRIBE B

Median polish of two-way table, ETCETERA H

Median rank, COMPARE2 H1

Median survival times, ratio of, COMPARE2 H3

Median, comparison with a hypothetical value, DESCRIBE D



Medians, difference between, COMPARE2 H1

Meta-analysis using available summary data, COMPARE2 J

Meta-analysis, A, B, C, D, E, F1, F2, G, H1, H2, H3 ,J , PAIRSetc A, B, C, MANTELX

Meta-analysis, sensitivity analysis, COMPARE2 J

Meta-analysis, studies of screening or diagnostic tests, DESCRIBE L3

Meta-analysis, use of mean values in , COMPARE2 H2

Mid-P exact tests, see Exact tests

Minimal posterior probability of null hypothesis, WHATIS P-value*

Minimization, ETCETERA A6

Minimum significant change, PAIRSetc I2

Misclassification, effect on appraisal of rate or proportion, DESCRIBE A

Misclassification, effect on odds/risk ratio, COMPARE2 M *, PAIRSetc Mis1, Mis2, Mis3

Misdiagnosis percentages , DESCRIBE L

Missing values, imputation in 2 x 2 table, COMPARE2 A

Missing values in paired/matched data, PAIRSetc A, D1

Missing values in test of correlation, PAIRSetc D1

Monotonic regression analysis, PAIRSetc D3

Mood's median test, COMPARE2 H, ETCETERA M

Monotonic regression analysis, PAIRSetc D3

Moors kurtosis coefficient, DESCRIBE D

Multiple comparisons in 2 x k table, COMPARE2 F1

Multiple comparisons in r x c table , ETCETERA G

Multiple comparisons of categories, based on odds ratios, PAIRSetc C

Multiple comparisons of correlation coefficients , ETCETERA F2, F3

Multiple comparisons of dependent sets of dichotomous data, PAIRSetc F

Multiple comparisons of means (Games-Howell procedure), DIFFER

Multiple comparisons of rates or proportions, DESCRIBE B, PAIRSetc F

Multiple comparisons of samples, ETCETERAn , PAIRSetc I

Multiple linear regression , ETCETERA J

Multiple regression analysis, level-importance in , ETCETERA j

Multiple regression analysis, sample size, ETCETERA P

Multiple linear regression, sample size ETCETERA J

Multiple linear regression , sample size doe comparing two means, COMPARE2 S8,

Multiple logistic regression, conditional or unconditional, LOGISTIC

Multiple logistic regression , sample sizes, COMPARE2 S4

Multiple Poisson regression, POISSON

Multiple-response variables, associations with, ETCETERA G

tests , adjustment of P values for, ETCETERA C

Multiplicative effects, ETCETERA E, ETCETERA H

N^ (effective sample size), ETCETERA G2

Negative predictive value (NPV) of a test, DESCRIBE L1, L2

Negative predictive values of two tests, comparison, DESCRIBE L2

Neymann allocation, in stratified sample, DESCRIBE K

NNT, see Number needed to treat

Nominal-scale dependent variable, COMPARE2 F, PAIRSetc B

Non-inferiority test for two means, sample size for , COMPARE2 S7*

Nonparametric regression analysis, ETCETERA J

Normality, tests for, DESCRIBE D, COMPARE2 H2 , PAIRSetc D1,D2

Noteworthiness, based on Bayes factors , ETCETERA L M

Number needed to treat/avoid/produce one case, COMPARE2 B, C, D, H3, PAIRSetc A

Number needed to treat ,, estimated from logistic regression results, LOGISTIC

OC (overlap coefficient), COMPARE2 F2 , G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1

Odds in favour of a higher value in one group, COMPARE2 H1

Odds ratio, as basis for appraisal of screening/diagnostic test. DESCRIBE L1

Odds ratio, confidence interval, WHATIS C.I.

Odds ratio, confidence interval, calculated from P , ETCETERA Q

Odds ratio, cumulative, COMPARE F2 G

Odds ratio, derived from mean values , COMPARE2 H2

Odds ratio, diagnostic, DESCRIBE L1, L2, L3 ,L4 , L5

Odds ratio, estimation of risk ratio from, COMPARE2 A

Odds ratio, for matched data, PAIRSetc A, B, C, E, J

Odds ratio, general/generalized, COMPARE2 F2, G, PAIRSetc C , ETCETERA G

Odds ratio, intraclass, PAIRSETC A

Odds ratio, Peto's , COMPARE2 A, B

Odds ratio skill score , PAIRSetc A

Odds ratios, comparison of COMPARE2 J

Odds ratios, comparisons with reference value , COMPARE2 J

Odds ratios, trend test for, COMPARE2 A, C

Omega -squared, COMPARE2 H2 , ETCETERA M, N, PAIRSetc I1

Omega -squared, partial , PAIRSetc D1 , IN

Ordinal-scale dependent variable, COMPARE2 F, G, PAIRSetc C

Ordinal-scale variables, appraisal of association of, RANKCORR

Outbreak detection, Shewhart and Csmum procedures , DESCRIBE D1

Outliers, test for, DESCRIBE D

Overall odds ratio, COMPARE2 A, B, C, E

Overall's continuity correction , COMPARE2 A B C

Overlap (OVL) coefficient , LOGISTIC , COMPARE2 F2, G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1

P value from confidence interval for proportion or ratiol , ETCETERA Q

PABAK (prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa), PAIRSetc A, B, C

Paired data , PAIRSetc

Paired data, incomplete , PAIRSetc A

Page test for trend, PAIRSetc F , I1

Paired survival data , PAIRSetc D4

Paired t test, PAIRSetc D1 , D2, D6, H, L

Paired t test, sample size, PAIRSetc S5

Partitioning of chi-square in 2 x k table, COMPARE2 F1

PAR (population attributable risk), COMPARE2 B

Partitioning of chi-square in r x c table, ETCETERA G

Peirce’s i coefficient, PAIRSetc A, B

Peirce's skill score , PAIRSetc A

Percentage agreement, PAIRSetc A, B, C , DESCRIBE L1

Percentage agreement, significance test for, PAIRSetc A, B, C

Permutation (randomization) test, COMPARE2 H1

Permutation (randomization) test for matched pairs , PAIRSetc C

Permutation (randomization) test for paired replicates. PAIRSetc D3

Permutations and combinations, WHATIS calculator

Person-time, calculation of, WHATIS timespan

Person-time rate, confidence interval for, DESCRIBE A , WHATIS CI

Person-time rates, comparison of, COMPARE2 D

Peto odd ratio, COMPARE2 A, B

Phi , 2 x 2 or 2 x k table, COMPARE2 A, B, C, F1

Pi coefficient, Scott's, PAIRSetc A , B

Pitman's test for equality of variances, PAIRSetc D1, D2

Pococks harmonic analysis procedure, DESCRIBE E

Point- biserial correlation coefficient, COMPARE2 H2 , PAIRSETC A

Point- biserial correlation coefficient based on 2x2 table , PAIRSETC A

Poisson dispersion test, DESCRIBE D

Poisson distribution, goodness of fit with, DESCRIBE C

Poisson distribution, mean of, DESCRIBE C

Poisson distribution, tests for, DESCRIBE D3

Poisson parameter, DESCRIBE D3

Poisson regression analysis, POISSON

Poisson variable, confidence intervals for, DESCRIBE A, WHATIS C.I.

Poisson variable, standard deviation, C.I. for , DESCRIBE A, WHATIS C.I

Poisson variate , confidence intervals for, DESCRIBE H, WHATIS C.I.

Poisson variates , comparison of two numbers of events, COMPARE2 D

Poisson variates , ratio of, confidence interval for, WHATIS C.I.

Pooled samples, estimation of prevalence from , DESCRIBE J4

Population attributable fraction, COMPARE2 B C D

Population attributable risk, COMPARE2 B

Population correlation coefficient, PAIRSETC D1

Positive predictive value (PPV) of a test, DESCRIBE L1, L2

Positive predictive values of two tests, comparison, DESCRIBE L2

Posterior probability of null hypothesis, WHATIS P-value*

Post-test probabilities, DESCRIBE L1, L2, L4, L5

Potential years of life lost (PYLL), DESCRIBE F

Power, post-hoc, [ostensibly], COMPARE2 P5

Power of tests for comparison of independent samples, COMPARE2 P1 to P4

Power of tests for comparison of matched samples, PAIRSetc P1, P2, P3

Power of tests for regression and correlation coefficients, REGPOWER

Predictive accuracy, 2x2 table , PAIRSetc A

Predictive summary index, DESCRIBE L1

Predictive value of a test, DESCRIBE L1, L2

Predictive values of two tests, comparison, DESCRIBE L2

Predictivity of test results , DESCRIBE L1 L2

P-rep (Killeen's probability of replicability ), COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc D1

Prevalence, confidence interval, DESCRIBE A, I

Prevalence, estimation by capture-recapture method, DESCRIBE I

Prevalence, estimation from cluster sample, DESCRIBE J1, J2

Prevalence, estimation from pooled samples, DESCRIBE J4

Prevalence, estimation from stratified sample, DESCRIBE J3

Prevalence, estimation from screening test, DESCRIBE L1

Prevalence, estimation from simple random sample, DESCRIBE A

Prevalence, meta-analysis of, COMPARE2 J

Prevalence ratios, based on logistic regression, LOGISTIC

Prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa, PAIRSetc A, B, C

Prevented or preventable fraction, COMPARE2 B, C, G, PAIRSetc A

Probability of replicablity , (Killeen's P-rep), COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc D1

Productivity, years of, lost , DESCRIBE F

Propensity-score analysis , LOGISTIC

Probit analysis , DESCRIBE B

Proportions, equivalence and non-inferiority tests for, COMPARE2 A

Proportion, comparison with hypothetical value, DESCRIBE A, WHATIS C.I.

Proportion, confidence interval, DESCRIBE A , WHATIS C.I.

Proportion, confidence interval, calculated from P , ETCETERA Q

Proportion of similar responses (PSR), COMPARE2 F2 , G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1

Proportional allocation, in stratified sample, DESCRIBE K

Proportions, comparison of three or more, DESCRIBE B

Proportions, comparisons with reference value , COMPARE2 J

Proportions, difference between, COMPARE2 A ,B , PAIRSetc A, WHATIS C.I.

Proportions, sequence of, DESCRIBE B

Proportions, weighted mean, COMPARE2 J

Pseudo-Bayesian C.I.s for difference between proportions, COMPARE2 A, B

PSR (proportion of similar responses), COMPARE2 F2 , G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1

P-value for given chi-square, t, Z, or F, or vice versa, WHATIS P-value

P-value, overall (pooled), COMPARE2 J

P-values, adjustment for multiple tests, ETCETERA C

P-values, calibration as minimal posterior probabilities, WHATIS P-value*

PYLL (potential years of life lost) , DESCRIBE F

Qstar (Q*), DESCRIBE L3

Quade's two-way analysis of variance by ranks, PAIRSetc I1

Quantiles (quartiles, quintiles, octiles , deciles), DESCRIBE D

r x c table , ETCETERA G H

r x c table with multiple-response variable(s), ETCETERA G

r x c x t table, ETCETERA I


Raking (sample balancing>, ETCETERA G2

Randles - Fligner - Policello -Wolfe test , DESCRIBE D2 D3 D4

Random decision (tossing a coin), ETCETERA B7

Random deletion of subjects , ETCETERA N

Random distribution, tests for, DESCRIBE D3

Random effects model, COMPARE2 A, B, C, H2

Random numbers (tables), ETCETERA B6

Random sampling, ETCETERA B1, B2, B3, B4

Random sequence, ETCETERA A7, B5

Randomization test, COMPARE2 H1

Randomization test for matched pairs , PAIRSetc C

Randomization test for paired replicates , PAIRSetc D3

Randomness, tests for, DESCRIBE D

Rank correlation between ordinal-scale variables, RANKCORR

Rank correlation, ETCETERA G. PAIRSetc C, D3

Rank correlation between ranks and values of numbers, DESCRIBE D

Rank correlation in comparison of two samples, PAIRSetc C ,D3

Rank correlation coefficients, partial and multiple , ETCETERA F4

Rao -Scott procedure for comparing cluster samples, COMPARE2 E

Ratchet circular scan test for seasonal variation, DESCRIBE E

Rate difference, COMPARE2 D, WHATIS C.I.

Rate of homogeneity. in cluster sample, DESCRIBE J

Rate ratio, COMPARE2 D, WHATIS C.I.

Rate ratios, comparison of COMPARE2 J

Rate ratios, comparisons with reference value , COMPARE2 JI

Rate, comparison with hypothetical value, DESCRIBE A

Rate, confidence interval, DESCRIBE A, WHATIS C.I.

Rates, comparison of three or more, DESCRIBE B

Rates, comparisons with reference value , COMPARE2 J

Rates, person-time, comparison of, COMPARE2 D

Rates, sequence of, DESCRIBE B

Rates, weighted mean, COMPARE2 J

Ratio of means , COMPARE2 H2

Ratio of paired values, PAIRSetc D2, D3

Ratio of proportions or risks, COMPARE2 A, B

Ratios of counts, sequence of, DESCRIBE B

Recurrence, chances of, DESCRIBE A

Reed-Frost epidemic model, DESCRIBE M2

Regression analysis, linear , ETCETERA J

Regression analysis, Mantel- Haenszel procedure, MANTELX

Regression analysis, monotonic, PAIRSetc D3

Regression analysis, nonparametric, ETCETERA J

Regression analysis, sample size , ETCETERA P

Regression analysis, sequence of rates or proportions, DESCRIBE B

Regression asymmetry test for skewed funnel plot, COMPARE2 A, B, C, D, J

Regression coefficients, comparison of, ETCETERA J

Regression equations, reciprocal/log-root/exponential/power/quadratic, PAIRS

Regression, exponential, ETCETERA J

Regression to the mean, adjustment for, PAIRSetc D6

Regression to the mean, estimated effect of, PAIRSets D5

Relative difference between proportions, PAIRSetc A

Relative sensitivity of two tests, DESCRIBE L2 L3

Relative specificity ,and false posritive rate of two tests, DESCRIBE L2 L3

Relative survival curve, LIFETAB

Relative treatment effect, COMPARE2 H1

Reliability of 2 ratings of a "Yes-No" variable, DESCRIBE L1

Reliability of numerical observations, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3, I1, I2, M

Reliability of raters, comparison of , PAIRSetc G3, I2

Reliability of ratings, using kappa, PAIRSetc A, B, C, E, F, G, J, K

Reliability of scale (alpha coefficient), ETCETERA D

Reliability coefficients, comparison of, PAIRSetc I1

Reproducibility, Guttman's coefficient of , ETCETERA D

Repeatability, coefficient of, PAIRSetc D1, D2, H, I1, I2, M

Replicability , Killeen's probabiility of ( P-rep), COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc D1

Replicability , odds of, COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc D1

Replicate measurements, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3, I1, I2, M

Residuals, adjusted (chi-square test), ETCETERA G

Residuals , scattergram , ETCETERA J

Residuals, standardized (r x c table), ETCETERA G

Residuals, standardized (3 or more categories), DESCRIBE C

Retrospective power analysis [ostensibly], COMPARE2 P5

Ridit analysis, COMPARE2 F

Risk, computed from mean value , COMPARE2 H2

Risk difference, COMPARE2 A B , PAIRSetc A

Risk difference, based on cluster samples , COMPARE2 E

Risk difference, computed from mean values, COMPARE2 H2

Risk difference, estimated from logistic regression results, LOGISTIC

Risk difference, general , ETCETERA G

Risk difference, in comparison of survival data, COMPARE2 H3

Risk ratio, COMPARE2 A, B, PAIRSetc A, WHATIS C.I.

Risk ratio, based on cluster samples , COMPARE2 E

Risk ratio, computed from mean values , COMPARE2 H2

Risk ratio, confidence interval, calculated from P , ETCETERA Q

Risk ratio, estimated from logistic regression results, LOGISTIC

Risk ratio, estimated from odds ratio , COMPARE2 A

Risk ratio, in comparison of survival data, COMPARE2 H3

Risk ratios, comparison of COMPARE2 I

Risk ratios, comparisons with reference value, COMPARE2 J

Risk ratios, trend test for, COMPARE2 B

Risk, comparison with hypothetical value, DESCRIBE A, WHATIS C.I.

Risk, computed from age-adjusted (cumulative) rate, DESCRIBE G

Risk, confidence interval, DESCRIBE A, WHATIS C.I.

Risk marker, appraisal of, DESCRIBE L1

Robust estimators of mean, DESCRIBE D

ROC curve and area under ROC curve, DESCRIBE L4, L5

ROC curve, in meta-analysis of screening or diagnostic tests, DESCRIBE L3

Rosner's test, PAIRSetc H, L

Running medians, DESCRIBE D

Runs test for serial correlation, DESCRIBE B

Runs tests for randomness, DESCRIBE D

Saha's GEE procedure for C.I.s of mean difference, COMPARE2 H2

Sample, random, selection of, ETCETERA B1, B2, B3, B4

Sample balancing (raking), ETCETERA G2

Sample size, based on prior comparison, COMPARE2 S12*

Sample size for descriptive study, DESCRIBE K

Sample size, fo requivalencer , non-inferiority, or superiority test, COMPARE2 S2*, S7*

Sample size for estimating intraclass correlation coeff . ETCETERA F7, PAIRSetc S6*

Sample size for estimating proportion, rate, or mean, DESCRIBE K

Sample size, for measurement of agreement (kappa) , PAIRSetc S2*

Sample size for regression and correlation analysis, REGPOWER

Sample size to find a given number of cases, DESCRIBE K

Sample sizes for comparison of matched samples, PAIRSetc S1 to S7

Sample sizes for comparison of cluster samples, COMPARE2 S1 ,S6

Sample sizes for comparison of proportion with a chosen value, COMPARE2 S1

Sample sizes for comparison of two independent samples, COMPARE2 S1 to S11

Samole sizes for equivalence, non-inferiority, and superiority triasl , COMPARE2 S7*

Sample size for regression and correlation analysis, ETCETERA J, REGPOWER

Sample size for test of super-superiority, COMPARE2 S1*

Scalability, coefficient of, ETCETERA D

Scale, internal consistency and discriminatory power of, ETCETERA D

Scheffé test , ETCETERA N

Schoutten-Kester procedure, for crossover study, PAIRSetc A

Scott's pi coefficient, PAIRSetc A , B

Screening and diagnostic test, optimal cut-point for, DESCRIBE L4, L5

Screening tests, accuracy of, DESCRIBE L1, L4, L5, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3

Screening tests, appraisal of, DESCRIBE L1, L4, L5

Screening tests, combination of, DESCRIBE L2

Screening tests, comparison of, DESCRIBE L2, L5

Screening tests, meta-analysis, DESCRIBE L3

Seasonal Mann-Kendall test, DESCRIBE D

Seasonal variation, appraisal of, DESCRIBE E

Seasonal variation, control of, DESCRIBE D

Sen estimator of slope, DESCRIBE D

Sensitivities, compared , DESCRIBE L

Sensitivity analysis in meta-analysis, COMPARE2 J

Sensitivity of a measure or test, DESCRIBE L1 to L5

Sensitivity, chance corrected, DESCRIBE L1, L2

Sensitivity test in meta-analysis, COMPARE2 J

Sequence of numbers, appraisal of, DESCRIBE D

Sequence of rates or proportions or ratios, appraisal of, DESCRIBE B

Sequential sampling, DESCRIBE N

Serial correlation of residuals, DESCRIBE B

Shannon's H coefficcient , PAIRSETC A

Shannon's index of the diversity of distribution, COMPARE2 F1

Shapiro- Francia W' normality test , DESCRIBE D2 ,D3 COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc D1,D2

Shapiro- Wilk W normality test , DESCRIBE D2 ,D3 COMPARE2 H2, PAIRSetc D1,D2

Shoemaker's test for comparing two variances, COMPARE2 H2

Sidak adjusted p-value. COMPARE2 F1, I, ETCERA G, PAIRSETC F, DESCRIBE C

Sign test, for a single distribution , DESCRIBE C

Sign test, for comparing paired data , PAIRSetc D3

Similarity between curves (overlap), COMPARE2 F2 , G, H1, H2, PAIRSetc D1

Simple effects, analysis of , ETCETERA N

SIR epidemic model, DESCRIBE M2

Skewed funnel plot, COMPARE2 A, B, C

Skewness, DESCRIBE D

Skewness coefficient g1, DESCRIBE D2 D3 D4

Skill scores , PAIRSetc A

Skill score: Brier skill score, LOGISTIC, DESCRIBE L1 L2

Smoothing of curve, DESCRIBE D

Smoothing of curve, exponentially weighted moving averages, SMOOTH

Smoothing of curve, kernel smoothing, DESCRIBE B

Smoothing of curve, kernel smoothing, with log transformation, SMOOTH

Smoothing of curve, median and quartile paths, SMOOTH

SMR (standardized morbidity or mortality ratio), DESCRIBE H

Somers' d , PAIRSetc C, D3, ETCETERA G

Space-time clustering, Knox test, DESCRIBE H

Spearman correlation coefficient (rho), ETCETERA G, PAIR Setc C, D3

Spearman correlation coefficient, partial , ETCETERA F4

Spearman- Karber analysis , DESCRIBE B

Spearman rho between ranks and values of numbers, DESCRIBE D

Spearman rho in comparison of 2 samples, PAIRSetc C, D3

Spearman rho, partial and multiple , ETCETERA F4

Spearman- Karber analysis , DESCRIBE B

Specificities, compared , DESCRIBE L

Specificity of a measure or test, DESCRIBE L1 to L5

St Laurent's gold-standard correlation coefficient, PAIRSetc D1, D2

Standard deviation, confidence interval for, WHATIS C.I.

Standard error of measurement, PAIRSetc D1, D2, I2

Standard error of estimate, ETCETERA J

Standard populations, world, European and African, DESCRIBE G

Standardization, direct, DESCRIBE G

Standardization, indirect, DESCRIBE H

Standardization of table, ETCETERA G

Standardized mean difference between means , COMPARE2 H2

Standardized mean difference between means, based on 2x2 table , PAIRSETC A

Standardized morbidity or mortality ratio, DESCRIBE H

Standardized odds ratios, COMPARE2 C

Stratified sample, for estimation of prevalence, DESCRIBE J3

Stratified sample, required size, DESCRIBE K

Strickland-Lu test for difference between changes, COMPARE2 F2

Strickland-Lu test, sample sizes for, COMPARE2 S11*

Stuart-Maxwell test for marginal heterogeneity, PAIRSetc B, C

Summary ROC curve, DESCRIBE L3

Superiority test for two means, sample size for , COMPARE2 S7*

Super-superiority, test for , COMPARE2 A

Super-superiority, sample size for test, COMPARE2 S1*

Survival curve, DESCRIBE F

Survival curve, relative to expectation, LIFETAB

Survival curves, comparison of, COMPARE2 H3

Survival periods, calculation of, WHATIS timespan

Survival time, DESCRIBE F

Survival time, effects of covariates on, SURVIVAL

Survival time, mean and median, DESCRIBE F, COMPARE2 H3

Survival times, comparison of, COMPARE2 H3

Survival times, comparison of, sample sizes for, COMPARE2 S10

Survival times, paired, comparison of , PAIRSetc D4

Symmetry of distribution , DESCRIBE D2 D3 D4

Symmetry test, for off-diagonal symmetry, PAIRSetc B

Synergism, appraisal of, ETCETERA E, ETCETERA H

t , value corresponding to given P, or vice versa, WHATIS P-value

Table standardization, ETCETERA G

Tail of distribution, difference in, COMPARE2 F2

Test of variance, DESCRIBE D3

Test for correlation when data are missing , PAIRSETC D1

Tetrachoric correlation coefficients, PAIRSetc A

Tetrachoric correlation coefficients, between items in scale, ETCETERA D

Theil's uncertainty coefficient U, COMPARE2 F1, ETCETERA G

Theta, COMPARE2 F2, G

Three-way table , ETCETERA I

Time intervals, WHATIS timespan

Time-to-event data, DESCRIBE F, COMPARE2 H3

Tjur's coefficient of discrimination , LOGISTIC

Tolerance bounds, DESCRIBE D2, D3, D4

Tolerance interval, DESCRIBE D2, D3, D4

Top-down coefficient of concordance, PAIRSetc G3


Trend (dose-response relationship) COMPARE2 F2, G

Trend, Bartholomew’s test , DESCRIBE B

Trend, Cochran- Armitage test , COMPARE2 F2

Trend, Cox-Stuart test , DESCRIBE D

Trend, Mann-Kendall test, DESCRIBE D

Trend, Mantel trend test , DESCRIBE B

Trend, Page's test , PAIRSetc F, I1

Trend of odds ratios, COMPARE2 A, C

Trend of risk ratios, COMPARE2 B

Trend of rate ratios, COMPARE2 D

Trend of rates or proportions, DESCRIBE B

Trend of three or more samples, Cuzick test, MANNWHIT

Trend of three or more samples, ETCETERA N

Trend, Jonckheere-Terpstra test , ETCETERA N

Trial, unmatched controls, COMPARE2 B, D, F, H, LOGISTIC

Trial, matched controls, PAIRSetc A, C, D, E, H, J, L, LOGISTIC

Trimmed mean, DESCRIBE D

Trimmed means, comparison of, COMPARE2 H2

"True" correlation coefficient, PAIRSETC D1

True skill statistic , PAIRSetc A

t -test , COMPARE2 H2

t -test , power, COMPARE2 P4

Tukey multiple-test procedure , ETCETERA F2

Tukey's HSD test , ETCETERA N

Two-way analysis of variance by ranks, Quade’s , PAIRSetc I1

Umbrella test , ETCETERA N

Uncertainty coefficient , COMPARE2 F1, ETCETERA G

Unweighted means procedure , ETCETERA N

Up-and-down runs test for randomness, DESCRIBE D

Upton continuity correction, COMPARE2 A, B, C

Umbrella test , ETCETERA N

Uncertainty coefficient , COMPARE2 F1, ETCETERA G

Unweighted means procedure , ETCETERA N

Up-and-down runs test for randomness, DESCRIBE D

Upton continuity correction, COMPARE2 A, B, C

Validity study, using "gold standard", DESCRIBE L1, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3

Van der Waerden test, ETCETERA M

Van Elteren procedure, COMPARE2, H1

Variance inflation factor, in cluster sample, DESCRIBE J, COMPARE2 E

Variance ratio, confidence interval for, COMPARE2 H2

Variance, confidence interval for, WHATIS C.I.

Variance, test of, DESCRIBE D3

Variance-to-mean ratio, DECRIBE D3

Variances, comparison of, COMPARE2 H2, ETCETERA N, PAIRSetc I1

Variances, heterogeneity tests for , ETCETERA N

Viechtabuer's C.I.s for standardized mean difference, COMPARE2 H2 , J

VYPPL (valued potential years of productivity lost, DESCRIBE F

VYPLL (valued potential life-years lost, DESCRIBE F

Wald's sequential probabiity ratio test, DESCRIBE N

Walter test for numerical data, PAIRSetc H ,L

Walter test for binary data, PAIRSetc E, J

Weighted kappa, for 2 ratings of a "Yes-No" variable, DESCRIBE L1

Weighted kappa, for multiple raters, PAIRSetc G2

Weighted mean difference between means , COMPARE2 H2

Welch test, COMPARE2 H2

Wilcoxon rank-sum test, COMPARE2 F2, G, H1

Wilcoxon signed-rank test of symmetry, DESCRIBE D

Wilcoxon signed-rank test, PAIRSetc C, D3

Within-subject coefficient of variation, PAIRSETC D1

No entries for 'X' 

Yates continuity correction, COMPARE2 A, B, C

Years of life lost (YLL), DESCRIBE F

YLL (years of life lost), DESCRIBE F

Youden's index, DESCRIBE L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 , PAIRSetc A

Youden's index, C.I. for difference, DESCRIBE L

VYPPL (valued potential years of productivity lost, DESCRIBE F

VYPLL (valued potential life-years lost, DESCRIBE F

Yuen's test for comparing trimmed means, COMPARE2 H2

Yule's Q, COMPARE2 A, B, C, PAIRSetc A

Z, value corresponding to given P, or vice versa, WHATIS P-value 
2 x 2 table, COMPARE2 A, B 
2 x 2 table, case-control study, COMPARE2 C 
2 x 2 table, for paired data, PAIRSetc A 
2 x k table, COMPARE2 F1, ETCETERA G 
2 x k table, ordered categories, COMPARE2 F2, G, ETCETERA G 
95% limits of agreement, PAIRSetc D1, D2, D3,