Rica case study samples

There are a total of four essay questions, not including the Case Study. Within those four essay questions, two are shorter in length, and two are longer in length.

For the essay questions presented in Subtests 1 and 2, use this framework:

Remember the following:

Writing a Passing Case Study Response

The case study is covered extensively and completely in the online course. Watch, listen, and take notes to understand the examinee tasks and effective strategies to write a passing case study response.

Started by watching this video. Then, use the online course to master the material!

Making The Right Decision: Time Management

A decision that you will want to make prior to beginning Subtest 3 is whether you will complete the multiple-choice questions or case study response first.

On one hand, if you complete the multiple-choice questions first, reading the questions and answers can activate RICA vocabulary, and you can jot notes as you take the test as you come across key terms.

On the other hand, completing your case study first gives you the advantage of writing while you’re fresh and full of energy.

How Your Writing Is Evaluated

Your written case study response is evaluated based on the extent to which you demonstrate knowledge and skills important for effective delivery of a balanced, comprehensive reading program using the following criteria:

Purpose: The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the relevant content and pedagogical knowledge by fulfilling the purpose of the assignment.

Application of Content: The candidate accurately and effectively applies the relevant content and pedagogical knowledge.

Support: The candidate supports the response with appropriate examples, evidence, and rationales based on the relevant content and pedagogical knowledge.

In this next section of the lesson, you’ll learn