The DSAR Guide: Overview of Data Subject Access Requests

Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) give individuals (also known as data subjects) the right to discover what data an organization is holding about them, why they are holding that data and who else their data and other personal information is disclosed to.

DSAR is a term introduced by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), which refers to individuals as “data subjects.” It’s often used interchangeably with the term “Subject Rights Request” or SRR and “Privacy Rights Requests”.

Depending on the law, data subjects (which can be consumers and, in the case of GDPR, employees) may have the right to:

They exercise these rights via Data Subject Access Requests also known as DSAR requests or simply DSARs.

Table of Contents

What are the DSAR requirements?

DSAR rules and requirements

Multiple trading blocs (EU with GDPR), countries (such as Brazil and China) and States have data privacy laws that outline Data Subject Access Requests requirements. Each one can require different access to different people.

Whether or not you have to fulfill DSARs depends on:

For GDPR, CCPA/ CPRA (California), CDPA (Virginia) and CPA (Colorado), companies must comply if they are:

CCPA/CPRA (California)

For-profit entities that collect personal information from California residents and meet any of the following thresholds:

*When CPRA goes into affect in January 1, 2023:
(ii) above is replaced with “buys, sells or shares personal information of 100,000 or more California residents or households”
(iii) above is replaced with “derives 50% or more of annual revenue from selling or sharing California personal information.

CDPA (Virginia)

For-profit entities that conduct business in Virginia or offer products or services targeted to residents in Virginia and:

CDA (Colorado)

Legal entities that:

For more information on which privacy laws may apply to your business, take a look at our interactive privacy law table.

Once you know which laws are applicable to your business, you need to know which privacy rights can be requested and who can make a DSAR request.

As shown above, depending on the jurisdiction, your consumers will be able to send different types of DSAR requests that you will have to collect, verify, fulfill and store. Although the response time is consistent for US State Privacy Laws (45 days and one 45 day extension totaling 90 days), it is important to note that both CCPA and CPRA require a 15 day response time for opt-out requests.

For more information on other laws, please check our privacy law matrix.

What do I need for DSAR compliance?

Understand the definitions of personal data

Each regulation has its own definition of what personal data constitutes. While they all follow the same approach in protecting key personal information, there are divergences in the details.

In the case of an access request, your organization has to provide all the personal data back to the consumer. This means that you need to have a clear understanding of the definition of “personal data” for each regulation and have this documented internally.

An access request does not require you to compile and provide every single data point you have on a given data subject. You only need to deliver the personal data you own about the consumer.

Linking the personal data definitions to your own data processes is the foundation of any robust DSAR program as it will allow you to:

Helpful Tip:

This important exercise will not only enable your team to be better prepared and more efficient but will also position the privacy team as the team with the most up-to-date overall understanding of the data flows at your organization. Teams such as Data Science, Analytics, Business Intelligence, Operations, Product, or even software developers will likely want to use your data intelligence for their own projects. It is a great way to leverage what you have built to support other business outcomes, re-emphasize the importance of data privacy, and identify your privacy champions.

To better understand how the definitions of personal data differ across privacy regulations, check out this blog post covering personal data under CCPA and CPRA, GDPR, Virginia CDPA, and Colorado CPA.

Plan your DSAR operations ahead

Before you begin to think about DSAR fulfillment, you have to first assess the data situation at your company and gain a good understanding of the nature, location, and flow of your data.

  1. What type of data are you collecting or observing? Having a clear understanding of the personal data, anonymized data and public data you have and collect in your systems is a crucial step to speed up your entire privacy operations.
  2. Where is the data stored in your organization? Identify and map where the personal data is held in your organization and identify the correct owner.
  3. Where does your company send or store personal data outside of your organization? Deletion requests may involve not only team members around your organization, but also all external vendors and partners with whom you shared the personal information.
  4. How is the data being used? Virginia CDPA and Colorado CPA have a duty for controllers to avoid secondary use of personal data. Understanding how the data is being used internally is a key step in building your data intelligence.
  5. What are your protocols surrounding personal data management? Regulations like GDPR or CPRA include data minimization and retention principles that will push companies to think about how they handle data internally.
  6. Who are the team members who will help to fulfill any requests? Systems owners, IT and your legal team will likely be the team you rely on to fulfill these requests.

Develop a process to fulfill DSAR requests

Robust DSAR operations start with understanding the key steps in the lifecycle of a DSAR and some of the challenges you will likely encounter.

A standard DSAR process can be broken down into 5 steps:

Understand the key operational challenges and risks in your DSAR operations

You now have a good understanding of your data and understand the end-to-end process of DSAR requests. Every step will bring its sets of challenges that may be more or less acute depending on your organization.

Here are some of the potential challenges you may face.

At the intake step

At the process step

At the fulfillment step

At the delivery step

At the reporting step

Compiling your DSAR metrics

Tracking and analyzing your DSAR metrics is crucial to understand your DSAR operations and detect potential issues. It will help you answer questions such as:

Plan ahead. Develop a process to compile your key DSAR metrics. Analyze the metrics regularly. Make improvements on your DSAR operations.

The team at WireWheel has reviewed over 1,000 US websites and analyzed 2020 DSAR metrics for Fortune 1000 companies and Data Brokers. Want to see what we found? Curious to see how you compare?

Business Impacts Around Data Subject Access Requests

Without the right solution to help, managing DSAR can be very challenging and costly. Gartner estimates that a DSAR could cost about $1,400, if done manually but there are also potential indirect costs that could increase your DSAR fulfillment costs.

How will DSARs impact your operations


Average cost of processing a DSAR


of all complaints made to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) in the UK were about DSARs and the difficulties people face when trying to get hold of their personal information

Potential DSAR Solutions: Build vs. Buy

Companies must have a secure way to accept and deliver requests and a way to manage the workflows. They have two options:

As WireWheel customers’ have said:

The StockX fundamental thought process has always been can we build it versus buying it…. As we were evaluating what was going on, I don’t think we truly had a full appreciation for the scope of work that would come with the implementation of these privacy laws – whether it was GDPR or CCPA – and the number of requests and the number of customers who would actually leverage the legislation to [exercise their rights]. There was just a lot of analysis required.

“WireWheel is going to allow us to grow over time, allow us to add functionality, and expand our processing capabilities,” he says. “Let’s say that in the next year, five new states have privacy guidelines—we know that WireWheel is going to allow us to open up to those states to be able to process customer data.

5 Tips for managing DSAR:

  1. Know where your data is: It will make your entire DSAR operations so much easier.
  2. Verify the data subject’s identity: Understand what is needed to verify both your account holders and non-account holders, follow the legal guidelines and automate the verification process.
  3. Assign responsibility for fulfillment: Your access and deletion requests will likely have different owners. Route DSARs automatically to the right person based on request types or jurisdiction.
  4. Monitor DSAR status closely: If you operate in multiple jurisdictions, you will likely face different deadlines. Leverage reminders, emails and flag high priorities to meet your deadlines.
  5. Compile and improve your DSAR metrics: Get an aggregate view of your DSAR performance to identify bottlenecks, develop your own DSAR roadmap and focus on your priorities.

Additional Resources

  1. Access best practices to manage your DSAR operations in this Ultimate DSAR guide.
  2. Compare personal data definitions and DSAR requirements across regulations with our Interactive Privacy Table.